A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about how a noted Canadian sniper nicknamed Wali had left the Great White North to do some good in war-torn Ukraine.

False Rumors of His Demise

Before too long, the Russian propaganda machine kicked into high gear, and rumors of Wali’s death were all over the internet. But, as it turns out, rumors of his death have been greatly exaggerated. Wali is just fine, and so is the Sako TRG-42 bolt action sniper rifle that he uses there as a tool of his trade. The two are shown below in a recent photo taken in an undisclosed location in Ukraine.

Wali is alive and well in Ukraine in March 2022. He is shown here posing with his Sako TRG-42 sniper rifle. Image from @Ash_Stewart_ Twitter feed

Rumors that Wali had died showed up all over social media last week. The news was so rampant that several mainstream media outlets began questioning whether he was OK or not.

This is how rumors get started. Screenshot courtesy of Instagram and archive.ph

Wali says he has no idea how the rumors got started, but he has acknowledged that he has been fired at multiple times.

The Canadian sniper seems to have retained his sense of humor. “I was the last person to learn the news that I was dead,” he said.

“I think it’s just trolling. But I think it’s strange because after a while the enemy will lose credibility with this propaganda. I don’t understand why they push such lies. It’s pretty obvious because after a few days I’m popping out and telling everyone I’m alive.”

Wali was reportedly coughing a bit as he gave his interview to Ashleigh Stewart from Global News. He is currently resting somewhere “in the Kyiv region” but says he’ll be back to work shortly after recovering his strength.

With a Little Help From His Friend

Like all snipers, Wali relies on efficient weapons to get the job done. He reaches out and touches someone with the help of his Finnish-made Sako TRG-42.