Sen. Tim Kaine accepted the Democratic VP nomination at the DNC last week. However, many voters don’t know much about the potential VP other than he is a middle-of-the-road type of guy. During his acceptance speech, he urged voters to trust Hillary as he does, even stating that he trusts Hillary Clinton with the life of his son, who is serving as a Marine.

“I want to tell you why I trust Hillary Clinton,” Kaine said. “On a personal level, as he’s serving our nation abroad, I trust Hillary Clinton with our son’s life.”

Perhaps the lackluster of Kaine is his most significant contribution to the Hillary ticket, he won’t interfere with her campaign or politics. He even describes himself as a “boring” guy. Clinton and Kaine are now locked in a political marriage if you will, for better or worse, their fates are now intertwined.



Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Robert L. Lang