Does the headline of this story scare you? Not to worry says Connecticut Republican lawmaker, state Senator John Kissel, the co-chairman of the Judiciary Committee, stating, “Obviously this is for very limited circumstances.” The bill being considered would actually ban the use of weaponized drones by anyone except for the police in Connecticut.

Obviously this is for very limited circumstances,” said Republican state Sen. John Kissel, of Enfield, co-chairman of the Judiciary Committee that approved the measure Wednesday and sent it to the House of Representatives. “We can certainly envision some incident on some campus or someplace where someone is a rogue shooter or someone was kidnapped and you try to blow out a tire.”

“We would be setting a dangerous precedent,” said David McGuire, executive director of the state ACLU. “It is really concerning and outrageous that that’s being considered in our state legislature. Lethal force raises this to a level of real heightened concern.” – Fox5 News

North Dakota allows police to use weaponized drones with non lethal weapons. Nevada, North Carolina, Oregon, Vermont and Wisconsin actually have laws that do not allow anyone to use a weaponized drone.

So what do you think? Does the idea of the police having weaponized drones bother you or does it all sound ok? Let us hear your comments below.

Featured image of an Octocopter type drone by Niall Carson/ZUMA Press/Newscom