It’s no secret Chinese diplomats recently met with Taliban leadership. They likely saw the unfolding situation in Afghanistan as an opportunity to support a winning racehorse and gain more edge on their quest to become the new superpower.

Incredibly, Secretary of State Blinken said that Chinese influence in Afghanistan could be a positive thing if China sought a “peaceful resolution of the conflict,” and a “truly representative and inclusive” government. Yet, China doesn’t have a government that could be called “representative and inclusive” by anyone. So, why would they work towards one in Afghanistan?

Yet, it’s not unlikely that the Taliban held meetings with the Chinese intelligence service that could have aided in Taliban planning and operations.

Anyone who understands diplomacy and espionage can do the math and see that the Taliban are solidly backed by China. This could have emboldened them to take back Afghanistan in true blitzkrieg style as they did.

Map showing the control of Afghanistan’s districts in a 90-days period. (BBC)

That the Taliban moved with such speed and confidence only underlines decades of failed American foreign policy initiatives. Further, it could now see China cast a menacing shadow in the Middle East.


President Biden Attempts to Absolve Himself

President Biden
(White House)

The Biden administration’s claims that it “inherited” the deal with the Taliban are craven and dishonest. The Biden administration, from the moment it assumed power, rescinded, repealed, undid, and repudiated everything the Trump administration had done in the last four years. It even resumed negotiations on the Iran Deal from which the Trump administration had pulled out. But the handshake deal Trump made with the Taliban covering the orderly withdrawal of U.S. forces was somehow written in stone and inviolate?

That simply isn’t true.