One of my biggest problems with exercise is I get bored easily. I’m always changing my workouts while retaining the core concepts. Cardio is always cardio, but instead of a run it’s an hour of Insanity this week, next week it’s jumps, sprints, and groundwork. I like to keep things interesting and I keep them moving. The Dry fire fit cards fit well within my workout. I love card workouts in general, they are always moving and you never have something laid out in front of you that is predictable. I detailed the card idea a little more here.

The Dry Fire Fit cards also fit my other favorite hobby, handgun shooting. They involve dry fire of course, but also drawing the weapon, transitions from target to target, and a variety of other combat related drills.

I plan to evaluate these cards as both a workout program and a training tool.

As a workout

As a workout, the cards are quite efficient. The workout is primarily cardio and body weight exercises. You can do them almost anywhere, but for some of the Dry fire fit exercises, you’ll need a little room to move.

The exercises also require some form or firearm or firearm training device. I used my SW99CC, which is basically a P99 compact made by Walther and Smith and Wesson. You’ll also need a holster of some kind for some of the drills. You can also use a blue gun, or airsoft if you choose I prefer the real thing because the trigger, sights, weight, and all that is the same. As long as you are capable of safely dry firing you can use a real gun. If you need a holster you also need a pair of pants that can accommodate a belt. None of my workout shorts can accommodate a belt, so I had to work out in full on pants.

Dry Fire Fit | Review
Step 1 – Pushup into high plank.

Here is my main problem with these cards. This all can be a problem for some. Will your neighbor call the police if they see you dressed and exercising in your yard with a gun? Is exercising in pants comfortable by any means? You may be forced to workout inside.

I have a home gym, live in the middle of nowhere, and have a few acres. So using a real gun wasn’t an issue for me, and no one is going to see me and get the wrong idea. If you plan to add these to your actual public gym routine you can replace the gun and use this purely as an exercise and non-training device. Replace the gun with a water bottle to get the almost the same workout.

Sweat it out.

I added these to my workout as part of the cardio and bodyweight portion. They didn’t fully replace any one workout. I simply shuffled, and drew one card at a time. Sometimes I did 10 cards, sometimes I did 20, and only once did I attempt the entire deck. The first few times you use these the cards the workouts are a little easier than you expect. The reason being you have to stop and read them and make sure you do everything right.