Ft. Hood is one of largest military installations in the world, with a population of over 50,000 active duty, reserve, and civilian contractors on post. With this second mass shooting by Army Spc. Ivan A. Lopez, leaving four dead including himself, Ft. Hood has become a symbolic target for active shooters with a personal axe to grind.

In 2009 Army Psychiatrist Major Hasan, ideologically motivated, shot thirteen people dead before being shot and apprehended by base police.

Photo: Major Hasan

2011 saw an AWOL soldier, identified as Private First Class Naser Jason Abdo, arrested in connection with his plot to “get even,” target Ft. Hood.

Abdo, 21, allegedly told law enforcement he wanted to “get even” and was targeting Ft. Hood because of the previous attack there, according to law enforcement documents obtained by ABC News. The documents say he did not plan to attack the base itself, but instead planned to plant two bombs at a nearby restaurant popular with Ft. Hood personnel.

He hoped to detonate both at the target location before using a pistol to shoot survivors, according to the documents. Abdo had gone AWOL over the July 4 weekend from Fort Campbell’s 101st Airborne Division in Kentucky, over 800 miles away.
Photo: Private First Class Naser Jason Abdo

When he was arrested, Abdo was in possession of large quantities of ammunition, weapons and what appeared to be the makings of a bomb, according to early accounts from law enforcement. He had also apparently purchased an Army uniform with Fort Hood patches from a local surplus store. –From ABC News

What was Ivan Lopez’ agenda? This remains to be seen, but some clarity should come in the next few days as investigators search through his personal belongings and computer files.