There is a ton of content out there about how to become a Navy SEAL. Search “How to become a Navy SEAL” on Google and have fun with the 90,300,000 items it digs up for you in 0.64 seconds.

Or you can just watch these short videos Brandon Webb produced that answers some very simple questions on how to get selected.

In “How To Become a Navy SEAL” Brandon drops some info on you that most sources never mention.

Like how to become a SEAL officer without going to the Naval Academy first since the “Ring Knockers” tend to get the lion’s share of the SEAL officer billets each year.

Did you know there are actual Navy SEAL Scout Teams in major cities? These guys work with you and the recruiter to make sure you are on the right track.

What are your chances of making it through BUDs if you make it through Hell Week?

Does it really get easier after Hell Week?

You might be surprised at some of the answers here.