From Conventional War to Shadow War

From 1980 to 1988, Iran fought Iraq in what is known as the “Iran-Iraq War.” during this bloody confrontation, it is estimated that over a million were killed on both sides, with Iran suffering the greater amount. According to Charles Kurzman (a professor at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, specializing in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies), Iran suffered 750,000 causalities, while Iraq suffered 500,000.

War explosion
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

For Iran, the big takeaway was that modern conventional war is costly, both economically and in terms of loss of life. At this point, strategic thinking shifted regarding how Iran’s military planners would confront its regional enemies.

Iran’s Arc of Resistance

Following the bitter and costly war, Iran would construct what is now known as its “Arc of Resistance,” running from Israel down to Yemen. The backbone of this arc would be Islamic militias funded, trained, and loyal to Iran. The key benefit of propping up these groups was that Iran could now put pressure on and, if necessary, fight its enemies with no threat to the Iranian regime or its homeland, as the group’s actions are deniable. The military repercussions would fall upon its proxy militias and their host nations, a win-win for Iran.

Photo Credit:

According to the U.S. State Department, Iran provides $100 million annually to Hamas and other Palestinian groups annually. The House Committee on Financial Services states that Iran provides Hezbollah with $700 million, or 70 percent of its revenue. The author was not able to find the amount of funding for the Houthi movement. However, given that they receive large sums of weapons from Iran, they certainly receive monetary funding from Iran as well.

Hezbollah: Iran’s Premier Militant Group

While Israel is grinding down Hamas and may very well render its combat ineffective fairly soon, Hezbollah remains Iran’s primary and potent weapon to confront Israel. The group has 30,000 “active duty” fighters and 20,000 more in reserve, according to the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Photo Credit: Tasnim News Agency | Wikimedia Commons (Photo of Hezbollah carrying out a training exercise in Aaramta village, in  southern Lebanon, 2023)

As stated by the Congressional Research Service, Hezbollah has an estimated arsenal of 150,000 rockets, missiles, and drones. The most advanced weapons of this arsenal are precision-guided and pose a grave threat to Israeli infrastructure and the civilian population. Since the October 7, 2023, attack on Israel by Hamas, Hezbollah has fired nearly 7,000 missiles, rockets, and drones at northern Israel, according to Jotam Confino of the Telegraph. Israel has responded by striking Hezbollah targets within Lebanon, reportedly killing hundreds of Hezbollah militants.

Photo Credit: Center for Strategic and International Studies

 The Killing of Ismail Haniyeh

The July 31, 2024, assassination of Ismail Haniyeh (chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau) in Iran has brought renewed threats from Iranian political leadership for strikes on Israel. We can take these threats very seriously, as Iran launched its first direct attack on Israel on April 14, 2024 (in response to the Israeli bombing of the Iranian consulate in Damascus, killing 13 Iranian officials).

Haniyeh killed
Photo Credit: Federation Council | Wikimedia Commons | Photo of Ismail Haniyeh (Deceased as of July 31, 2024)

This attack involved 300 ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and suicide drones, this can be seen as a warning salvo. While this attack was neutralized via Israel’s missile interceptor network and allied aircraft, it marked an inflection point, as Iran displayed that it would directly attack Israel and that it has the capability and willingness to do so.