As noted by Brandon Webb in his excellent BUD/S preparation guide (available as an ebook to SOFREP Team Room members). Both former and active-duty SEALs are asked on a regular basis how to prepare for SEAL training.

It is a question to which we all develop a ready answer, as we get the question on so many occasions.

For that reason, I thought I would offer my own two cents on the subject here for the readers of SOFREP.

What Is BUD/S?

Backing up a step, SEAL training is called BUD/S: Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training. It is a course put on by the Naval Special Warfare Center in Coronado, California. Any man (and it’s only men, for now) who wants to be a SEAL has to go through BUD/S—no exceptions.

It is the basic qualification course, and the first step for every would-be-frogman to join the brotherhood of the Teams.

We all know our BUD/S class number just as readily as we know our social security numbers or birthdays.

It is etched into our brains forever, and we are eternally linked to the men with whom we graduated the course.

The number of graduates usually varies from about 10 to 25 out of a starting class of 100 or so—at least, that’s how it was when I went through training so many years ago.