India and China have been involved in a long-time, ongoing border dispute.2 In the last few months, the two sides have come close to open warfare in the mountainous area west of the Ladakh region. Now an Indian lawmaker has accused the Chinese of kidnapping five civilians from the area.

Tapir Gao from the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh took to Twitter on Saturday with the accusations. India’s military has inquired to its Chinese counterparts about the issue. 

Zhao Lijian, a Foreign Ministry spokesman for China said that Beijing has “no details to release yet,” but added that “China’s position on the east section of the China-India boundary … is consistent and clear.” It also has “never recognized the so-called ‘Arunachal Pradesh,’ which was illegally established on Chinese territory.”

India and China share a 2,100 mile-long border in the Himalayas, where each side claims territory. The two countries disagree on the exact location of the Line of Actual Control (LAC), the de facto border that emerged out of the bloody border war in 1962. There has never been any true peace as each side has tried to outmaneuver the other in the region.

In June, those simmering disputes came to a head in a dramatic and brutal confrontation. Chinese and Indian soldiers fought with fists, clubs, stones, and iron bars in a hand-to-hand fight where some soldiers were thrown off the mountainside. Indian troops suffered 20 dead with dozens more wounded. The Chinese didn’t release any casualty figures but they are thought similar.