Welcome back to Inside the Team Room: Navy SEAL Snipers.

What’s the most expensive thing you lost when you were a teenager? A cell phone, maybe? That’s small beans compared to the time when, as a 19-year-old new SEAL, Charlie Melton lost a $3.5 million SEAL Delivery Vehicle (SDV). In Melton’s defense, it was his first time in one, and he was eventually left in it all alone, with a mini chem light being his only safety device. While the rest of the SEALs were out doing their thing, a sub brushed by the relatively diminutive SDV, sending it quickly downward toward Davy Jones’ Locker. The fast-thinking Melton performed an emergency blow, popping him to the surface while the SDV was headed the other way.

Melton, on the verge of hypothermia, was eventually rescued by the rest of his Team, who asked him the obvious question, “What happened to the SDV?”

Watch the video to find out how another SEAL, with a very private piercing, helped the Commander of the sub decide whether to call off the search for the SDV or not with an unusual “roll of the dice”.

These are stories you are never going to hear anywhere else.
