The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have initiated a new specialized mountaineering brigade to enhance operations along its contentious borders with Lebanon and Syria in light of escalating tensions tied to their ongoing war in the Gaza Strip.

Revealed on Tuesday, March 19th, the formation of the Heharim, or Mountain, Brigade aligns with strategic responses to the evolving dynamics along the northern frontiers, as determined by current military assessments.

Under Colonel Liron Appleman’s leadership, the brigade will integrate into the 210th Division, focusing its operations within the Mount Hermon and Mount Dov areas, territories currently overseen by the 810th Hermon Brigade. The brigade will begin its specialized operations in rugged terrain and mountain warfare in the upcoming weeks.

Brigadier General Zion Ratzon, the commander of the 210th Division, emphasized that the brigade will bolster operational capabilities, facilitate defensive and offensive strategies tailored to the specific challenges of the terrain and adversaries in the area, and address threats from Lebanon and Syria concurrently.

The inception of this brigade comes against a backdrop of intensifying confrontations, particularly with the Lebanese Hezbollah, which has launched attacks into northern Israel. Conversely, the IDF has executed airstrikes against Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon.

While recent focus has been on Gaza due to a significant assault by the Palestinian Hamas and allied factions on October 7th, 2023, there’s growing apprehension regarding the potential for broader conflict along the Israel-Lebanon boundary.

IDF Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi, highlighted the multifaceted nature of current hostilities, indicating engagements across Lebanon, Syria, Judea Samaria, Gaza, and beyond.