As the U.S. and NATO forces start their withdrawal from Afghanistan, President Karzai is consistently making statements and instilling policies to help save himself from the future wrath of the Taliban. From forcing SOF out of Wardak to influencing the U.S. that peace talks between Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the Taliban are an real possibility, Karzai is once again spilling vomit out of his mouth in the form of lies to save his own skin.

According to Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda’s main ideologue and leader, peace talks and the absence of Jihad within Afghanistan is not a possibility.

“Jihad must continue until all religion is God’s alone and there is no more conflict in the land. Mistakes made in jihad are no reason for stopping jihad, which must continue because it is ordained to go on forever. Jihad follows the example of Muhammad and his Companions, and is based on the Qur’an, Sunna, and shari’a and on the consensus of all Muslim scholars.”

Karzai’s most recent statements beg the question: Who’s side is he on? On May 1st, Afghanistan border police were engaged by Pakistani military forces and as a result, one Afghani was killed in the engagement.

In a recent press conference, Karzai spoke about the skirmish on the border.

“They [the Afghan people] should stand with this young man who was martyred in defending his soil…”

He then called for the Taliban to:

“turn their weapons against the enemies of their properties.”

The first statement by Karzai should be of no concern, but the second should raise some eyebrows in both  U.S. and NATO camps. Unless I have been led astray this entire time, I believe the United States and all non-Islamists are considered ‘enemies of their properties.’

Once the U.S. and allied forces are free of Afghanistan it will be interesting to see if Karzain remains in his current position or any position for that matter. Would the U.S. be willing to keep a small SOF contingent in country to secure the safety of our two-faced friend, or should we let the cards fall where they may? It once again comes down to choosing the lesser of two evils. Sadly, Karzai appears to be our last resort.