AH-64 Apache quick facts

Boeing produced 937 AH-64A Apaches between 1984 and 1997. Some remain in service today, and have:

  • Two high-performance turboshaft engines and maximum cruise speed of 284 kph
  • Laser, infrared, and other systems (including target acquisition designation sight/pilot night vision sensor) to locate, track, and attack targets
  • A combination of laser-guided precision Hellfire missiles, 70mm rockets, and a 30mm automatic cannon with up to 1,200 high-explosive, dual-purpose ammunition rounds

Boeing’s AH-64D Apache and the AH-64D Apache Longbow have numerous enhancements, including:

  • Longer-range weapons accuracy and all-weather/night fighting
  • Detection of objects (moving or stationary) without being detected
  • Classification and threat-prioritization of up to 128 targets in less than a minute
  • Integrated sensors, networking, and digital communications for situational awareness, management of the combat arena in real time, and digital transmission of images and target locations to joint operations battlefield commanders

Courtesy of Boeing

View this footage of two Apache helicopters engaging Anti-Iraqi Force (AIF) members known for firing tracer rounds at coalition forces. Scenes include insurgents fleeing the area and U.S. forces firing on their position.
