On Monday, the United States expressed deep concern over Myanmar’s ruling junta’s decision to extend the country’s state of emergency for six more months. The extension, announced early in the day, further delays promised elections and exacerbates the violence and instability engulfing the Southeast Asian nation.

U.S. Expresses Grave Concern

In a press statement, U.S. Department spokesperson Matthew Miller expressed “deep concern” over the Myanmar military regime’s extension of the state of emergency. The extension of the state of emergency coincides with a worsening situation of violence and instability in the country, which is alarming to the United States.

“Since overthrowing a democratically elected government two and a half years ago, the military regime has carried out hundreds of airstrikes, burned down tens of thousands of homes, and displaced more than 1.6 million people,” said Miller.

The Department spokesperson further discussed that the military regime in the country, formerly known as Burma, has been using brutal tactics and ignoring the democratic aspirations of the Burmese, which has led to a prolonged crisis in the country. Washington is committed to working with its partners and allies to hold the regime accountable for its actions, using political and economic tools to do so. As well as calling on the regime to end its violence and atrocities, release those who have been unjustly detained, and allow unhindered humanitarian access to those in need.

Miller also emphasizes in the statement the importance of seeking justice for survivors of the regime’s brutality and engaging with all stakeholders to pursue a peaceful, just, and democratic future for Burma.