From The Loadout Room

The Korps Mariniers is the marine corps and amphibious infantry unit of the Royal Netherlands Navy. Their primary function is as a quick reaction force that can be deployed anywhere in the world within 48 hours, hence their motto “Qua Patet Orbis” (translated: As far as the world extends).

The corps was founded in 1665 and was given its current name in 1817. The Dutch marines have a rare distinction in that they are one of only a few units to have won battle honors on British soil in 1673.

The modern-day corps has been deployed to Cambodia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Liberia, Eritrea, Iraq, and Afghanistan. The Netherlands Maritime Special Operations Forces (NLMARSOF) are the corps’ elite fighting force. The unit specializes in maritime, land, mountain, and underwater warfare. Training for the SOF unit takes 40 weeks, and at the end, the marines qualify as specialists in long-range reconnaissance/SOF operators and maritime counterterrorism specialists. NLMARSOF are set up to closely resemble the British Special Boat Service.