Tragedy struck in a Santa Fe high school on Friday, as a lone gunman walked onto campus brandishing two firearms and the intent to kill. Ten students would fall dead before 17-year-old Dimitrios Pagourtzis would turn himself in, admitting that he intended to take his own life, but lacked the courage.

For Americans, Friday’s death toll will be added to the growing list of children to lose their lives in a rash of violent incidents that appear to be moving in a trend that runs counter to violent crime statistics as a whole — as America has become overall safer in recent decades, it seems our schools have grown more dangerous. With students falling victim to gun violence in seemingly every demographic, with no geographical or cultural limits, Americans, by and large, have fallen into one of three camps: those who fervently defend their second amendment rights, those who champion increased gun control, and those who see the merits in both arguments and find themselves torn between competing ideologies.

In the days following such a tragedy, a common criticism that has been levied by both sides is that their opposition will rapidly move to politicize catastrophe, then, a counter argument always emerges begging the question of when it’s okay to talk about finding a solution to what feels very much like a cultural pandemic. Pain, sorrow, and a sense of helplessness permeate both sides of this debate, despite the characteristically divisive and insulting rhetoric — but as so many have brought up in past iterations of this debate, legislation shouldn’t be an emotional response, it should be a logic based one, and Friday’s addition to America’s growing list of school shootings offered some difficult to swallow perspective to both sides of the discussion.

None of the weapons bans proposed by the Left would have stopped the Sante Fe shooting.

After the use of “assault style” rifles in mass shootings in Las Vegas and Parkland, Florida in recent months, there has been a resurgence in calls for a ban on “assault rifles,” and in particular, AR-15 platforms. Those on on the gun control side of the debate have made it clear that they deem these rifles to be too dangerous for the hands of your average civilian, based on their similarity to weapons used in the United States military. However, gun rights advocates have long pointed out that an AR-15 is a relatively underpowered semi-automatic rifle when compared to other platforms available on the commercial market, and the only things differentiating it from magazine fed, semi-automatic hunting rifles are usually attachments, a pistol grip, and aesthetics. In terms of function, an “assault style” rifle doesn’t operate any differently than any other semi-automatic rifle, making a ban nothing more than a symbolic gesture with little chances of effecting the execution of any actual crimes.

Landing even further Left of those calling for an assault weapon ban, many others have called for a complete ban of all semi-automatic firearms, comparable to the practice put into place in Australia. Such a ban would eliminate all “assault style” weapons as well as most pistols and many forms of shotguns and hunting rifles.

But even that would not have stopped Pagourtzis from killing ten students and holding off police in a 15 minute fire fight because he didn’t have an assault rifle or even a semi-automatic weapon. He used a shotgun and a .38 revolver — meaning even if the United States had banded together to pass new restrictive laws that would eliminate most commercially available firearms from not only the market, but somehow from every gun owner’s household throughout the country, the shotgun and revolver Pagourtzis stole from his father would have remained, and his killing spree would have gone on none the less.

Resource officers and security guards couldn’t stop the blood shed either.