We’ve written a ton of different Selection preparation articles and, being creatures of habit, stuck with the tried and true methods that got us from point A to point B. And truth be told, there is no substitute for learning to navigate and carrying a rucksack. Because when a candidate is in his Selection course, regardless of service or specialty, he/she is going to have to know how to navigate and tote the big pain pill. 

However, we’re always looking for better ways to prepare ourselves. And for several years, I’ve been intrigued by the work of Alex Guerrero. If you don’t know who that is, we’ll get to that in just a second, but the people who work closely with Alex absolutely swear by his methods and his entire performance and recovery program. 

Guerrero had worked with several NFL players and his methods got them better prepared for the rigor of playing a very physical game. He has also helped them minimize injuries and has enabled them to recover faster. After working with a couple of members of the New England Patriots, one of the players (Willie McGinest) introduced Guerrero to Patriots Quarterback Tom Brady in the early 2000s. 

In 2004 Brady had elbow tendonitis so severe that it was affecting his play and threatening his career. He had been getting massages, cold treatments, hot treatments, ultrasound, electrostimulation treatments, ART, chiropractic work, stretching, and everything else in between. But Guerrero talked to him about a different method⁠ — muscle pliability. Brady’s elbow responded positively to the work Guerrero performed. “I could feel a difference in my elbow,” Brady said. “Forty-eight hours later, after two more treatments, the improvement was even more noticeable.” In time, the pain would completely subside.

Brady dedicated himself to Guerrero’s approach and is still playing at the highest level at age 42, while most players his age have long since retired. As Brady continued to stay healthy and perform at his peak on the field, he and Alex found themselves wondering why nobody else was incorporating pliability into their training the way that they had. A few years after Brady rapidly recovered from a season-ending ACL injury, the pair decided to bring their methods to the public by opening the first TB12 facility at Patriot Place in Foxboro, MA. They have since added a TB12 Performance & Recovery Center on Boylston Street in Boston’s Back Bay. 

Recently, we learned that in November 2019, the Green Beret Foundation partnered with TB12 to provide pliability treatments for a variety of veterans.

So, the question was, would the lifestyle program that is espoused by an NFL MVP work for the tactical athlete? We know it works incredibly well for high school, college, and professional athletes, but is the program a fit for military members, or in our case, Special Operations Forces members? Furthermore, is it a program that the operators can then keep up with on their own?

With that in mind, SOFREP.com reached out to TB12 and pitched the question to them, asking if the folks there would be willing to talk with us and discuss the program at length. They agreed to the interview with the stipulation that it be done at the TB12 Performance & Recovery Center and that the author (me) actually come in to: “experience it …we would like you to come in for a session. We would talk about pliability, and perform a one-on-one pliability treatment. It would give you a better understanding of what we do and how it could benefit the soldiers.” With an offer like that, how could I refuse?