In a democratic society like the United States, the integrity of the legal system is paramount to upholding justice and safeguarding the rights of individuals. However, when the legal system is weaponized to penalize a Presidential candidate (e.g., former President Trump), it undermines the very foundation of democracy itself.

I and others who served that I’ve talked to since leaving military service often reflect how the values we fought to protect are being ripped apart by career politicians who have a distorted view of America and clearly aren’t subject to the same reality.

I hope reading this sheds light on the dangers of such weaponization.

Threatening the Electoral Process

Weaponizing the American legal system against a Presidential candidate directly threatens the democratic electoral process. The manipulation of legal tools, frivolous lawsuits, and politically motivated investigations introduce uncertainty and doubt into the minds of voters. Instead of focusing on substantive policy discussions and character evaluations, attention is diverted toward legal battles, undermining the transparency and fairness of elections.

Recent examples of weaponization include prolonged investigations without concrete evidence, legal maneuvering to hinder campaigns, and the relentless pursuit of legal action based on flimsy grounds. Such tactics distort public perception and erode trust in the electoral system.

Diminishing Future Candidates:

The weaponization of the legal system against a Presidential candidate can have a chilling effect on future individuals aspiring to run for the highest office and sets a dangerous precedent.

The fear of facing relentless legal scrutiny, regardless of merit, discourages talented and capable leaders from stepping forward. This limits the diversity of candidates and deprives the nation of potentially transformative leadership.

Undermining Public Confidence:

When the American legal system is weaponized for political gain, it undermines public confidence in the fairness and impartiality of the judiciary. The perception that partisan motives influence legal proceedings erodes trust in the justice system and weakens the country’s social fabric. This erosion of confidence in democratic institutions hampers their effectiveness and can lead to widespread disillusionment among citizens.

Solutions to Safeguard Democracy

Weaponizing American Democracy
Weaponizing American Democracy (SOURCE: SOFREP)
  1. Transparency and Accountability: Establish transparent and accountable processes within the legal system to prevent its weaponization for political purposes. This includes clear guidelines for initiating legal actions against Presidential candidates and mechanisms for ensuring fairness and timely resolution of cases.
  2. Independent Oversight: Create independent oversight bodies comprising legal experts and bipartisan representatives to monitor legal proceedings involving political candidates. These bodies would ensure impartiality and guard against political interference, maintaining the integrity of the legal system.
  3. Public Education: Promote civic education programs that foster a deeper understanding of the dangers associated with weaponizing the legal system. Educating the public on the importance of an independent judiciary and the need to separate political tactics from the pursuit of justice can cultivate a society that values the rule of law.


Weaponizing the American legal system to penalize a Presidential candidate like Trump poses a grave threat to the principles of democracy. It undermines the electoral process, discourages future candidates, and erodes public confidence in the judiciary.

To safeguard our democracy, we must prioritize transparency and accountability within the legal system, establish independent oversight, and invest in overhauling our electoral system.

  • Vote by phone. Very easy with technology to make this work and avoid election fraud.
  • Term limits. No politician should serve for life; I’m pretty clear that the founders of our Constitution did not intend to have career politicos who, by the very nature of serving so long, lose touch with American reality.
  • Legal reform, as mentioned above.
  • Extension of the Presidential term to one 6- or 8-year period. This would allow someone to roll up their sleeves and do the job as best possible instead of campaigning for a second term.

By doing this, we can ensure that our election system remains a bastion of justice, free from political manipulation, and conducive to the preservation of democratic values that this country was founded upon, the same one I and many others risked our lives for in faraway lands.