So you’re interested in private security jobs? Then, this article will be useful to you and contain some dos and don’ts when it comes to the world of private security contracting.

Take the Application Seriously

My best friend Glen Doherty (Navy SEAL/CIA and GRS Contractor) helped me transition from the SEAL Teams to security contracting.

I applied for the job he had recommended (I signed an NDA but you can read between the lines), did my mandatory training and assessment test, and was offered a job once I passed. This made my active-duty to civilian-life transition much easier.

A SEAL Team Six guy who tested with me failed. Not because he wasn’t talented enough, but because he refused to take the test they had offered and, like Frank Sinatra famously sang, he did it his way. This teaches you to put your ego aside, study for and take the test they give you. You’re working for them, not the other way around.

The Different Categories of Private Security Jobs

Private Security Jobs Explained by Former Navy SEAL and Contractor
Private security contractors train. (Financial Tribune)

There are so many different security jobs out there and not all of them are similar. Nevertheless, there are really two main categories we are talking about here: overseas and domestic jobs. Let’s take a look at each in more detail.

Overseas Security Jobs

Most of the questions I get asked are from gentlemen looking to “get into the shit” with overseas security jobs. Honestly, this category of jobs can be very lucrative.

I’d say there are two types of private security jobs for overseas.

Dynamic Security

Dynamic would be a CIA contractor who’s doing operational work outside the wire. This type of security usually requires extensive law enforcement or military credentials (usually a special ops background). Most of these jobs would be State Department or intelligence agency (GRS or Ground Branch) programs. Usually, these agencies contract out to security companies that are responsible for training, vetting, and staffing up these contracts. MVM and Dyncorp are two such security companies. Most of the time, these jobs pay more than static security ones. The pay can start from $700 per day but varies with supply and demand.

Static Security

Static jobs pay well but usually involve perimeter or indoor security, AKA gate or building guard. These jobs start from $400 a day. Sometimes, they can be a stepping stone to a dynamic job if you prove yourself and augment your training with some specialized training.

Without a doubt, most dynamic jobs will be looking for ex-special ops guys over regular Joes. Just the nature of the beast but there are exceptions sometimes but don’t get your woke panties in a knot about this. It is what it is.

Usually, these jobs are in extremely high-risk environments. Warzones and narco-controlled environments come to mind.

High-risk Regular Contractors: A Very Lucrative Alternative

Civilian contractors
Civilian contractors awarded Certificates of Appreciation, Fallujah, Iraq, 2008. (Photo by Lance Cpl. Cindy Alejandrez/USMC)

If you’re doing it purely for the money, take a look at warzone high-risk regular contractor jobs. I’m talking plumber, electrician, etc. The base I was stationed at in Iraq had electricians and plumbers making over $2,000 a day behind the fence line! There is no shortage of former law enforcement and military ready to sign up for security gigs, but try and get Joe Brooklyn to haul his plumber crack ass over to Iraq! Not too many takers. So if you’re looking to make bank check this out. Most large defense contractors hire for these types of jobs.

This is way more money than a professional gunslinger makes and the great thing about overseas is that you can work three-six months a year and have the rest of the time off to enjoy life alone or with loved ones.

Domestic Security Jobs

These jobs can be quite lucrative as well but are far less exciting. They are, likewise, separated in dynamic and static security, with dynamic offering, again, a higher salary.

Primarily, they involve personal protection, i.e. bodyguarding. There are some great gigs out there but come with the same pecking order and are usually filled by experienced law enforcement or special ops guys.

The biggest complaint I hear about domestic security is that the clients get lazy and don’t alter their routines or driving routes (which is a compromise to security), and the teams end up being adult babysitters and baggage handlers.

Besides that, there are a lot of shady characters involved in domestic security. The absence of a formal government security clearance check is a contributing factor. You’d be surprised how many “Navy SEALs” I’ve run into doing private security who were SEAL dropouts, or just plain faking it. Sometimes even the clients buy the lie to such an extent that they refuse to believe they’ve hired and trusted a fake.

DynCorp scandal
DynCorp private contractors had been implicated in trafficking scandals while contracted by the U.S. government during peacekeeping operations in Bosnia. (Photo by Hazir Rika/Insight on the News/Reuters)

I’ve also seen a lot of guys who leave the special ops community in disgrace (safety violations, drugs, or worse) apply for such jobs and get them. So you have to be careful and usually, once you get into the hiring process the guys will talk and you can sort out the bad from the good.

Augmented Security Job Training

Not everything and everyone is created equally. So, make sure you train at a place that is recognized because “never heard of it” won’t get you hired.

A few good ones that come to mind are the Mid-South or Gunsite Academy for shooting, Bondurant or Skip Barber for driving, and any Gracie school for fighting.

These are high-end schools that active-duty special ops teams use to augment their training with. As a result, they are globally recognized. Although they aren’t cheap, you get what you pay for.

Good luck and I’m happy to answer your questions in the comments below. Thanks for listening.