Murder in Siberia

In the remote city of Kemerovo, nestled in the heart of southwestern Siberia, a disturbing incident shook the community and sparked national outrage. Vladislav Kanyus, a young local man, committed a heinous crime against his ex-girlfriend, Vera Pekhteleva. The brutality of the act, involving prolonged torture, suffocation, and stabbing, sent shockwaves across the country.

Kanyus (left) raped and then murdered his ex-girlfriend Vera Pekhteleva (right) by stabbing her 111 times over a three-and-a-half hour period and then finishing her off by strangling her with an iron cable. Image Credit: X

The trial that ensued was closely followed and led to Kanyus being sentenced to 17 years in prison in July 2022. This case not only highlighted the severity of the crime but also reignited discussions about Russia’s approach to domestic violence and the perceived indifference of law enforcement towards such incidents.

However, the story took a shocking turn when Vera Pekhteleva’s mother, Oksana, received a photograph that defied belief. The image showed Kanyus not in a prison uniform but dressed as a Russian soldier, surrounded by fellow troops. It was a revelation that stunned the bereaved family and caused widespread consternation.

In Ukraine
Kanyus in Ukraine after serving less than a year in prison. Image Credit: The Bell

In a controversial move, President Vladimir Putin pardoned Kanyus, offering him a path to freedom in exchange for military service in Ukraine. This decision was part of a broader strategy to avoid another contentious mobilization ahead of the upcoming presidential elections. To bolster military ranks, the Russian Defense Ministry had turned to an unconventional source – recruiting from prisons.

Human rights activists reported that around 100,000 Russian individuals had been enlisted from penal colonies, with offers to reduce sentences for those convicted of severe crimes. This approach, initially pioneered by the late Wagner Group mercenary boss Yevgeniy Prigozhin, was now being implemented on a larger scale.

Not an Isolated Incident

The case of Kanyus was not an isolated incident. Sergei Khadzhikurbanov, a former police officer convicted in the 2006 murder of Anna Politkovskaya, a renowned journalist, also received a pardon from Putin. Khadzhikurbanov, sentenced to 20 years in prison in 2014, was freed after six months of military duty in Ukraine. His lawyer confirmed that Khadzhikurbanov had signed another contract to continue serving in the army.

The Pekhteleva family, meanwhile, was left reeling from the revelation of Kanyus’s pardon. They had only become suspicious of his release upon receiving the photograph of him armed. Official confirmation from the local prosecutor’s office came much later, informing them of Kanyus’s pardon and deployment to the front line.

The Kremlin defended this policy of releasing convicts for military service, with Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, asserting that those convicted of serious crimes were redeeming themselves on the battlefield. However, human rights activists like Alena Popova, representing the Pekhteleva family, expressed deep concern. They feared that the early release and military experience of these convicts might encourage them to commit further acts of violence upon their return.

The policy also raised concerns among the public, as any criticism of those participating in the war could be interpreted as criticism of the military or the war itself, now a criminal offense in wartime Russia.

Human rights activists faced additional challenges as they were labeled foreign agents, deterring potential victims from seeking help and making it harder to shed light on the magnitude of the problem. Popova highlighted that these convicts were returning with post-traumatic stress disorders and a sense of impunity, given the systemic support they received.

The People Feel Powerless

Victims’ families, like the Pekhtelevas and the Politkovskys, felt powerless against the pardons. Their attempts to seek justice and accountability were met with bureaucratic hurdles and a system that seemed indifferent to their plight.
Contrasting with the leniency shown to convicts like Kanyus and Khadzhikurbanov, antiwar activists faced severe punishments. Alexandra Skochilenko, a pacifist artist, received a seven-year sentence for her antiwar stance, and Alexei Gorinov, a Moscow council member, was prosecuted under laws penalizing the spread of “false information” about the Russian military.

Kanyus, who never admitted guilt, spent less than half a year in prison for Vera Pekhteleva’s murder. Meanwhile, five police officers received suspended sentences for negligence after failing to respond to neighbors’ calls for help during the crime.

For Oksana Pekhteleva, this entire saga was not just a personal tragedy but a stark reminder of the flaws in the judicial and penal systems. She harbored fears for the future, worrying that individuals like Kanyus, unpunished and unreformed, could harm others. Yet, amidst her fear and disappointment, she held onto a belief in a higher justice beyond the reach of the flawed systems that had failed her and her daughter.

The Bottom Line

The Russian government’s choice to use prisoners for the war in Ukraine shows a cynical attitude within Putin’s regime. This move could harm Russia’s social stability over time, but it doesn’t threaten the current government. For the Kremlin, sending convicts to fight is easier than calling up more regular citizens for military service.