A high-takes meeting is on the horizon as the North Korean leader announces his plans to visit the Kremlin this month.

In a development that has raised concerns and drawn international attention, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is reportedly planning to visit Russia this month to meet with President Vladimir Putin. The purpose of this high-stakes meeting is rumored to be centered around discussions of military equipment supply to Russia for its involvement in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. A United States official, speaking anonymously, shared this sensitive information to AP News on Monday.

While the exact details of the meeting are yet to be confirmed, it is believed that Kim Jong Un will undertake a rare international trip from Pyongyang to Vladivostok, a Pacific port city in Russia. This journey may include the use of an armored train, a mode of transportation famously preferred by his father, the late Kim Jong Il, during his diplomatic engagements.

The Deal on the Table: Artillery Shells for Advanced Technology

The potential deal being discussed during the meeting is nothing short of remarkable.

Kim is rumored to be considering supplying Russia with artillery shells and anti-tank missiles in exchange for Moscow’s advanced technology, particularly satellites and nuclear-powered submarines.

It is worth noting that these negotiations are taking place when the United States has expressed concerns over the increasing military ties between North Korea and Russia.

National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson emphasized the United States stance, stating: “We have information that Kim Jong Un expects these discussions to continue, to include leader-level diplomatic engagement in Russia.”

She also urged North Korea to “cease its arms negotiations with Russia and abide by the public commitments that Pyongyang has made to not provide or sell arms to Russia.”