Amidst ongoing global tensions and international sanctions against both nations, recent reports have emerged regarding North Korea’s provision of more than one million artillery rounds to Russia for use in its conflict with Ukraine.

In return, it appears that Pyongyang has received technical advice from Moscow regarding its efforts to launch a military reconnaissance satellite.

These revelations, shared by South Korean lawmakers and intelligence agencies, have raised concerns and underscored the complex geopolitical dynamics at play in the region.

Historic Alliances and Recent Developments

North Korea and Russia have maintained a historic alliance stemming from the Cold War era and have continued to collaborate on various fronts despite international sanctions and isolation.

Both countries have faced global condemnation and economic penalties in recent years, with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and North Korea’s nuclear weapons testing leading to sanctions from the international community.

A pivotal moment in this relationship was the summit held between the leaders of the two nations, Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin, in September in Russia’s Far East.

Following this meeting, the United States alleged that North Korea had initiated the transfer of weapons to Russia, signaling a significant development in their alliance.

North Korea’s Weapons Transfers to Russia

The South Korean National Intelligence Service (NIS) recently disclosed critical information during a closed-door parliamentary audit, revealing that North Korea had made at least ten arms transfers to Russia since August.

The most striking revelation was that more than one million artillery rounds had been provided to Russia, which is estimated to be sufficient to sustain the Russia-Ukraine conflict for approximately two months, thereby raising concerns about the prolonged nature of the ongoing conflict.

The arms transfer indicates the significance of the cooperation between the two nations, especially in the context of Russia’s involvement in Ukraine, a conflict that has led to severe international sanctions and a breakdown in relations with Western nations.

The willingness of Pyongyang to provide such a substantial amount of military equipment to Moscow underscores the strength of their alliance.

Technical Advice for a Satellite Launch

The exchange between North Korea and Russia was not limited to military equipment.

In return for the artillery rounds, Pyongyang appears to have received valuable technical advice from Moscow regarding its efforts to launch a military reconnaissance satellite—suggesting new heights of partnership through exchanging expertise between the two countries.

North Korea had experienced a failed attempt to launch a satellite in August, followed by an announcement of a third attempt scheduled for October.

Although the October launch was postponed, preparations, including inspections of the engine and launch device, were reportedly in full swing.

The South Korean lawmaker who revealed this information suggested that the technical guidance from Russia could increase the likelihood of a successful satellite launch, highlighting the value of their collaboration.

North Korea's military reconnaissance satellite launch attempt
A still image of North Korea’s military reconnaissance satellite launch attempt in May 2023 at the Sohae satellite launch site located northwestern of the country (Image source: KCNA via X)

Concerns and International Reactions

The revelation of North Korea’s arms transfers to Russia has sparked concerns in the international community, especially among nations critical of Russia’s actions in Ukraine.

The United States, South Korea, and Japan jointly issued a statement strongly condemning North Korea’s supply of arms to Moscow. This condemnation reflects the global unease over the situation, with many nations keen to uphold sanctions and maintain diplomatic and economic pressure on North Korea and Russia.

In September, during Kim Jong Un’s visit to Russia, he declared that bilateral ties with Moscow were his country’s “number one priority,” —a declaration, along with North Korea’s vocal support for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, raised eyebrows in the international arena.

The United States and experts have suggested that North Korea may be seeking a range of military assistance from Russia, including satellite technology and upgrades to its Soviet-era military equipment.

The extent of North Korea’s commitment to supporting Russia in its conflict with Ukraine and the potential advantages it seeks in return remain subjects of speculation and concern.

Thus, the situation highlights the intricate interplay of international relations, alliances, and economic pressures in a world where geopolitical interests often take precedence.

Global Sanctions and Implications

These developments take place within the broader context of global sanctions imposed on both North Korea and Russia.

Russia has faced economic sanctions and diplomatic isolation due to its invasion of Ukraine, a conflict that has caused substantial human suffering and led to a deterioration in relations with Western countries.

In the case of North Korea, its ongoing nuclear weapons testing and defiance of international agreements have resulted in stringent sanctions aimed at curbing its nuclear program.

The collaboration between North Korea and Russia raises questions about the effectiveness of these sanctions and the extent to which they can be circumvented or leveraged to achieve mutual objectives.

Moreover, the situation underscores the challenges of enforcing sanctions in a globalized world where nations continue to engage in covert or indirect activities to achieve their goals.


The recent revelation of North Korea’s provision of over one million artillery rounds to Russia, as well as the exchange of technical advice for a satellite launch, has drawn attention to the complex and enduring alliance between these two nations.

Against the backdrop of international sanctions and ongoing conflicts, the extent and nature of their cooperation raise concerns and questions about the impact on global security and regional stability.