Hey everybody, we’re wrapping up our latest book, Benghazi: The Definitive Report, and I’ve got the final copy here on my laptop. This book is scheduled to launch on Amazon on Feb. 12, but we wanted to get it out to you members of the Team Room as soon as possible.

So here’s the deal. I’m going to publish the book out to the Team Room one chapter at a time over the next two weeks. You’ll have the entire book before it goes on sale. But you need to promise to keep it in the Team Room. Rave about it to anyone who will listen, but don’t share it. Then, when it goes on sale, please head over to Amazon and give the book an honest review. Good?

Coming Saturday morning, Jan. 26: the Prologue to Benghazi: The Definitive Report

– Charlie

(Featured Image Courtesy: Washingpost.com)