A couple of months back, I read an inspiring biography about a fellow SEAL, and I typically don’t read other SEAL books. It is called FEARLESS, and it is the story of the life and death of Chief Special Warfare Operator Adam Brown. I had the author, Eric Blehm on SOFREP Radio, and continue to spread the word about this amazing book and story. FEARLESS is currently in the FINAL ROUND of voting for the Goodreads best history/biography book of the year as voted by the general public.
With more than 11 million users, goodreads is the largest online community for readers and book recommendations in the world. The nominations for the Choice award is based solely on the number of reviews and the average rating on goodreads.com. The winner for each category will be chosen by votes cast by the users of goodreads.
From the countless conversations, emails, Facebook messages, etc. that I’ve had since Fearless released, it’s clear that the story of Adam Brown and the Brown family has impacted thousands of people this year, and this is another great opportunity for more people to engage with this incredible story. Since this award is based on reader votes, you can help connect more people to Fearless!
What you can do:
1. If you are a goodreads member, go vote for Fearless! (if not, it takes 30 seonds to sign up and only requires your email address, but I assure you, you won’t be spammed later.)
2. Once you have voted, share one personal reason you voted for Fearless with your family and friends on your social network (you will be prompted to share right after you vote).
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