Today, we shine our spotlight on the Kurdish Peshmerga Golden Force.

Who Are They?

The Peshmerga Golden Force is quite the topic of interest, a unit entrenched deeply within the political and military fabric of the Kurdistan Region. Spearheaded by none other than the Vice President of the Kurdistan Region, Sheikh Jaafar Sheikh Mustafa, this group has carved a niche for itself in the security dynamics of the area. It’s interesting to observe how this force, linked to the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), finds itself at the center of significant operations and armed conflicts.

Take, for example, an incident that unfolded in the streets of Sulaimani’s Sarchinar neighborhood. It was no small deal—a shootout that saw members of the Golden Force and Asayish exchanging fire, leading to injuries on both sides. The spark? A dispute involving Lana Jaafar Sheikh Mustafa, the Vice President’s daughter, escalated quickly, bringing the Golden Force into direct confrontation with other security units. This incident underscores not just the tensions that can arise within the region’s security framework but also highlights the personal and political ties that can influence outcomes in such situations. Yes, things are still quite complicated in Kurdistan.

Snuffing Out ISIS

But the Golden Force isn’t just about internal skirmishes. Their role extends into the broader arena of regional security, particularly in countering threats like ISIS. They’ve been active participants in operations aimed at rooting out remnants of ISIS, showcasing their commitment to battling terrorism alongside coalition forces. Their involvement in sweeping operations across the Garmiyan area, targeting ISIS hideouts, speaks volumes about their capabilities and the crucial part they play in maintaining stability in the region.

These instances tell us a bit about the multifaceted role of the Peshmerga Golden Force. From internal security incidents influenced by political and personal dynamics to crucial anti-terrorism operations, the Golden Force exemplifies the complex layers of security, politics, and personal connections that define Kurdistan today and, most likely, into the foreseeable future.