Hi everyone,

Just wanted to update the SOFREP Underground on a few things.

As most of you know, or have heard, we’re taking SOFREP.com to 100% subscription starting end of July beginning of August. All TR members will get full access but as we swap membership services and combine the two sites (TR and SOFREP) you’ll have to re-up your info. We know this is a pain but we’ll make it worth your while with some SOFREP merchandise giveaways for members only, and once it’s over you’ll be set for the long term.

Why go to a subscriber model? Because it gives us a solid financial foundation to build off of, ensures the integrity of our content, and we’re able to add a few more writers to the team.

The editors and I have noticed that there’s a huge gap in the active duty to civilian transition. So to answer the mail, we’re building a transition site that will focus as an education and work advice forum, and we’ll feature a kick ass jobs board. In 2014 we’ll add both a tech and aviation blog to the network.

The LOR has been making a come back, and we’re adding a couple more gear reviewers to take it back to more of a gear centric site so look for this coming soon. Nick will still be laying out his tactical shooting advice and gun reviews.

Speaking of networks, we’re re-branding our overall network under the Force 12 media network. This doesn’t really effect anything for you guys, it’s more of a business decision to have a holding company for all the sites.  I wanted to let you all know what’s going on so that when you see Force 12 media network you get it. It helps our sales team sell into different networks to a wide variety of sponsors that would otherwise not want their brand next to an edgy story on SOFREP.  In case you’re wondering, Force 12 was inspired by the Beaufort storm scale. Charlie and I will have this site up in a week or two, and we encourage you guys to check it out and give us your feedback. SOFREP main site and Team Room will remain untouched, other than minor improvements based on your feedback. 

Finally, we’ve added a bunch of new stuff to our store, mostly patches, and we have a few more shirt/hat designs coming soon (Drago inspired, and the long awaited throat punch shirt). For winter, we’ll have some hoodies in the store. If there’s anything else you guys want to see (coffee mugs?), please give us your feedback in the comments section.