The aftermath of war usually involves scenes of rebuilt cities and nations trying to stitch their identities back together. However, beneath the surface — often quite literally — lurk the silent, deadly remnants of battles long past: post-war (or legacy) landmines. 

These insidious devices remain scattered across numerous landscapes. They wait silently for an unsuspecting victim, even decades after the final shots of a conflict.

Legacy landmines have become synonymous with hidden death. They are a lurking menace in places where people wish to rebuild their lives. 

Imagine children playing in fields where these deadly devices exist. Or farmers attempting to till the land, only to be met with a fatal explosion. These scenarios are grim daily realities in many parts of the world.

Yet, why do landmines continue to plague our world today? Despite international efforts and treaties aimed at their removal, the problem persists.

This article unearths the secrets of these dangerous relics, their history, and the challenges in making our world safer.

The Hidden Legacy of Wars

Russian anti-personnel mines found in Ukraine in 2022. (Wikimedia Commons)

Every conflict leaves its mark. While destroyed buildings can re-erect and wounds may heal, post-war landmines remain hidden reminders of past battles. 

Unlike other war relics that can be stored away in museums or discarded, landmines remain buried, only revealing themselves when they claim another life or limb.