Hey Ruckers,

Last weekend a small cohort of about three guys showed up. There were more but the early time and travel restriction kept some of you from making it out there. But, there’s much more to come, every week in fact. I’ve set up a meetup.com page for the group.

Here: https://www.meetup.com/meetup-group-soChnNNb/events/237475348/

Please visit and sign up! Even if you aren’t in DC – I may be traveling some and can organize ruck marches as I travel the country.

Last week was a lot of fun, and I enjoyed the March. The National Mall is a beautiful sight first thing in the morning, and there’s a sense of accomplishment rucking 5+ miles before 9 am.

Here’s a breakdown of our movement:

Total distance: 5.38 miles

Pace analysis: