Hey Ruckers,

Last weekend a small cohort of about three guys showed up. There were more but the early time and travel restriction kept some of you from making it out there. But, there’s much more to come, every week in fact. I’ve set up a meetup.com page for the group.

Here: https://www.meetup.com/meetup-group-soChnNNb/events/237475348/

Please visit and sign up! Even if you aren’t in DC – I may be traveling some and can organize ruck marches as I travel the country.

Last week was a lot of fun, and I enjoyed the March. The National Mall is a beautiful sight first thing in the morning, and there’s a sense of accomplishment rucking 5+ miles before 9 am.

Here’s a breakdown of our movement:

Total distance: 5.38 miles

Pace analysis:

1: 16’01”

2: 15’09”

3: 14’59”

4: 14’13”

5: 14’52”

5-5.38: 15’12”

In all, it was about 9,700 steps, and I was in a fat burning cardiovascular state the entire time. Rucking is good conditionally and for those of you on the fence, good for your beach body.

As you can see from here, it took us a minute to get going and round off a 15 minute pace. You have to settle into rucking, and it’s tough to come out swinging right out the gate. Plus, it was cold and very early in the morning. Although, quite a few runners were scurrying all around D.C. The level of fitness in the city is impressive and motivating.

Also, Rucking kind of sucks – and it seems to suck more as the day progresses. I felt good about the effort and being in a small group it was easier to ruck and maintain the right pace. On the topic of speed – we kept a 15:05 minute per mile pace. I had a 45lb. pack and wore Nike SFB’s. After that, I went to a grad school class for the rest of the day. Frankly, that was the best part of my day because listening to a professor on a Sunday isn’t something I’d usually opt to do.  So, thank you – whoever is coming tomorrow in advance – and to the fellas who came last Sunday.

Featured image courtesy of Core Performance.