While Washington was reeling from the news that senior American leaders hid from the Congress and the president the exact numbers of American troops in Syria “in a shell game,” the Syrian government was putting on an elaborate show in Damascus for its refugees from the bloody civil war to return.  

The Syrian and Russian governments are calling for the more than six million refugees who were displaced by the country’s civil war to come home. Both Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Russian President Vladimir Putin, who spoke during a conference call, said it was time for refugees to return home and rebuild Syria. 

Putin stated that many areas of the largely shattered country are now enjoying peace. He added that “international terrorism has been almost wiped out and return to civilian life should begin gradually.”

Russia, a key supporter of the Assad regime, aided the Syrian government with a large-scale bombing campaign. Many in the West and in Syria claim that the campaign indiscriminately targeted the civilian population. 

Damascus Conference

The UN, Syrian and Western observers criticized Assad for holding this conference stating that the economic and security situation is not conducive to the return of most of the refugees.

The UN and the EU declined to participate in this “premature” conference stating that refugees will face several challenges upon returning to Syria. These include forced disappearances, indiscriminate detentions, conscription, poor or nonexistent social services, physical and sexual violence, and torture.

The U.S. criticized the conference as a distraction. 

Joel Rayburn, the U.S. special envoy for Syria, said the conference was “just a dog and pony show meant to distract from the fact that the Russians and the Assad regime have not done what the international community has been pressing them to do, which is to end the war and move to a political solution under UN Security Council resolution 2254.”