Buenos Aires, Argentina

November 15, 2018

Israel’s intelligence agency, Mossad, has tipped off the Argentinian government to the activities of two men working for Hezbollah said to have been planning an attack on Jewish targets in Argentina. Three men were found at a residence in the capital city of Buenos Aires. The two men aged 23 and 25 were also found to have evidence of travel abroad but no specification on where they may have traveled. They were also were found to posses a Hezbollah flag and this arrest comes just before the upcoming G20 summit, at which many world leaders are expected to meet.

Lyon, France

November 17, 2018

Four men were arrested in France for planning an attack on the fuel protests, which have been happening across the country as fuel prices have risen over this past year. Two of the men are brothers, aged 35 and 23, another aspiring jihadist, aged 52. All communicating with a radicalized prisoner who communicated via a cell phone from his prison cell. While the precise target is unknown, the police think they were using the nationwide fuel protests happening in France as a potential target. Some of the evidence gathered during the raids of their residences were rifles and ammunition, along with pro Islamic State materials. The men were arrested before the proposed plan of attack on November 17 — one text intercepted read: “It will bleed on November 17.”


November 20, 2018

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani declared Wednesday a day of mourning for Afghanistan, due to a terrorist bomb that killed at least 50 people and wounding at least 70. The explosion was during a gathering of scholars of Islam who had gathered at the Uranus Wedding Palace in Kabul to celebrate the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday. Neither the Taliban nor ISIS have claimed immediate responsibility, though they have both recently been responsible for attacks on Kabul. The Taliban, in fact, sent out a message via the WhatsApp mobile application denying responsibility.

Melbourne, Australia

November 20, 2018

Three men were charged with plotting a terrorist act in Melbourne, Australia. This is just two weeks after a man went on a knife rampage in the city, killing one man, after trying to blow up a vehicle laden with gas canisters — which failed to explode as planned.

Two of the men are brothers, aged 31 and 26, while the third man is 21 years old. They tried to purchase a .22 caliber rifle and were looking to cause as much damage as possible, as they were reportedly looking towards events that had large crowds — creating mass casualties.