The rate of suicide among veterans is generally twice that of the general population, making it an epidemic that needs to be addressed. Unfortunately, in 2017, the rate of suicide for veterans hit an all-time high, with about 20 per day. Sadly, this number continues to increase. That’s why organizations like We Got Your 6 are working tirelessly to raise awareness and support programs that help prevent further tragedies.

Suicide Rates for Veterans

According to the Veterans Affairs Department, veterans are more likely to die by suicide than non-veterans.

There are several reasons why veterans may be at a higher risk for suicide. First, veterans often struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health conditions that can lead to suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Veterans may also have access to firearms and other lethal means, which increases their risk of dying by suicide.

The latest statistics show that veterans’ suicide rates have increased in recent years. In 2022, the suicide rate among veterans was 21.0 per 100,000, up from 18.0 in 2020. This increase is concerning and underscores the need for better suicide prevention efforts among veterans.

If you are also committed to helping veterans in your community, here are six ways you can support their efforts:

#1. Talk about the issue

It’s easy to assume that the people around you who are experiencing the symptoms of PTSD are aware of the resources available to them. In reality, this is often not the case. You can open the door to a conversation by simply asking someone if they’ve heard the latest statistics on veteran suicide. You might be surprised by their lack of awareness. By bringing the issue to light in a non-confrontational way, you might be able to help a veteran in your life get the help they need.

#2. Donate your time or money

Mission 22
Mission 22

Veterans in crisis often find it difficult to access help because they’re not sure where to turn. Organizations like Mission 22 provide a centralized hub for veterans and their family members to find the necessary information and support. Your donation can help support these and other efforts to help veterans in crisis.

#3. Be there to listen when veterans need someone to talk to

One of the most important ways you can support veterans in your community is to be there for them when they need someone to talk to. You don’t need to be a trained professional to help a veteran in need. What veterans often need more than anything else is a non-judgmental person who will listen without passing judgment or giving advice. If you have someone in your life who you suspect is struggling, simply letting them know that you are there to listen if they need to talk is invaluable support.