
Today, 11/16/2023, I was honored to join The Jack Heath Morning Show Three-hour Veteran Townhall radio broadcast with Ambassador Scott Brown to discuss the problems veterans and their families experience due to an ineffective veteran’s medical care system. No amount of money or a 501(c)(3) organization will solve the problem. The problem will be solved when veterans stand up to be counted in New Hampshire and across the country. In the Granite State, we are approximately 115,000 veterans strong, yet only a tiny portion come forward to fight for veterans and their families, and less than 40% vote in elections. We have allowed the politicians to silence and divide us; this must stop.

Secondly, until we replace the politicians on both sides of the aisle who use veterans as political pawns during the election cycle and then don’t keep their promises, nothing will change. Most of our representatives are not even veterans and have no clue what veterans think and how they feel. This is a huge problem. In 1973, 73% of Congress were veterans. Today, 17% are Veteran’s.

Thirdly, until those who do not serve and have not served fully understand veterans, what they go through, and why it is so essential for our country to keep its promise to our veterans, nothing will change.

Fourthly, yes, there are substantial bureaucratic issues that impede proper medical care for veterans, but this is not the root cause. Nothing will change in the system until veterans stand up to be counted, we replace the ineffective representatives and senators in Washington, DC, and citizens decide that enough is enough. Are 40 suicides a day too much? Are 40,000 homeless veterans too much? Are 10 million unemployed veterans that drive homelessness, drug issues, incarceration issues, suicides, and broken homes too much? We must embrace Americanism, where the actual costs of freedom are acknowledged and respected, and Americans prioritize the well-being of those who have served.

As a veteran, I find myself disheartened by the lack of understanding and appreciation for the sacrifices made by those who have served in the military. It is disconcerting to witness the hesitancy of veterans to openly discuss their experiences due to the fear of losing their jobs or frightening politicians and citizens who prefer not to confront the actual human costs of maintaining their freedom. This essay aims to shed light on the frustrations felt by veterans tired of sugarcoating the realities of military service during times of war. Furthermore, it addresses the labeling of veterans as warmongers and extremists while also calling for a renewed commitment to American values and principles.

The Burden of Silence

Many veterans hesitate to share their experiences openly, fearing that the stark realities of military service will unsettle politicians and citizens who prefer to remain oblivious to the true nature of war. This hesitancy arises from a desire to shield society from the brutalities of armed conflict. However, this self-imposed silence inadvertently perpetuates a cycle of ignorance that hinders understanding and empathy for the sacrifices made by our men and women in uniform. By failing to engage in open and honest conversations, we deny ourselves the opportunity to bridge the gap between the military and civilian worlds.

Mislabeling and Misunderstanding

The mislabeling of veterans as warmongers is a gross injustice that undermines the depth and complexity of their experiences. Those who have never served their country often fail to grasp the multifaceted nature of military service. The decision to join the military is driven by a deep sense of duty, patriotism, and a desire to protect the freedoms many take for granted. Society needs to recognize that veterans are not the architects of war but rather the defenders of peace. Labeling them as warmongers only serves to perpetuate misconceptions and further alienate those who have served.

The Political Dichotomy

Politicians who honor veterans during dedicated events yet label them as extremists and a threat to the republic during their political campaigns reveal a disheartening disconnect. This inconsistency disrespects the sacrifices made by veterans and undermines the trust that should exist between the military and political leaders. Such actions perpetuate stereotypes and create a divide between those who have served and those who govern. It is crucial for politicians to recognize the invaluable perspective and expertise that veterans bring to the table and to refrain from using them as mere political pawns.

Preserving Freedom and Americanism

The preservation of freedom requires a collective effort, with veterans playing a crucial role in understanding the values and principles that underpin our nation. It is disheartening to witness America heading down a road that jeopardizes the very freedoms we hold dear. To address this, there needs to be a rebirth of Americanism, where the actual costs of freedom are acknowledged and respected. This rebirth must happen in our schools, communities, the media, social media, and our nation.


The frustrations felt by veterans who hesitate to discuss their service and the mislabeling they endure are indicative of a society that fails to comprehend the sacrifices made in the name of freedom entirely. It is time for a change—a change that embraces open dialogue, respect, understanding, and empathy. Veterans should not have to sugarcoat the realities of war, nor should they be labeled as warmongers or extremists. Instead, their voices and experiences should be valued, and their perspectives should guide preserving freedom for future generations.

Veterans should be heard in our communities, classrooms, churches, and public events outside of those events oriented explicitly toward veterans. Let us embark on a path that honors and supports our veterans and replace politicians who prioritize personal benefits over the welfare of those who have served. Only then can we truly appreciate the actual cost of freedom and ensure its continuity for generations to come.

Donald C. Bolduc