
The selection of cabinet members is a crucial aspect of any presidential administration. These individuals possess the power to shape and implement policies that directly impact the nation and its citizens. However, a trend has emerged over the years where presidents tend to appoint individuals from Ivy League institutions, think tanks, and government bureaucracies to these critical positions. While these individuals may possess exceptional qualifications, the next president must diversify their cabinet by considering candidates from broader backgrounds and experiences. This essay will explore why it is crucial to break away from the traditional mold and embrace a fresher, more inclusive approach to cabinet selection.

Promoting Diversity of Thought

One of the primary reasons to avoid an overreliance on Ivy League graduates think tank members, and government bureaucrats in cabinet appointments is to foster diversity of thought. While these individuals undoubtedly possess valuable expertise and extensive knowledge in their respective fields, their backgrounds often lead to a certain homogeneity of ideas and perspectives. By limiting the cabinet pool to these groups, we risk excluding individuals who offer unique insights and alternative approaches to governance. A diverse cabinet, comprising individuals from different backgrounds, ethnicities, genders, and socioeconomic statuses, can provide a broader range of perspectives, leading to more innovative and inclusive policy-making.

Representation and Inclusivity

Appointing cabinet members from a narrow pool of Ivy League, think tank, and government bureaucracy backgrounds perpetuates a lack of representation and inclusivity within the administration. Such appointments tend to favor individuals who have had privileged access to elite educational institutions and networks. Consequently, this disproportionately excludes talented individuals from less privileged backgrounds who may possess invaluable experiences and insights. The next president must consider the importance of representation within the cabinet, ensuring it reflects the rich diversity of the nation’s population. By doing so, they can instill a sense of confidence and trust among marginalized communities, demonstrating a commitment to equitable governance.

Addressing Public Distrust

Over time, appointing individuals from the same background breeds public cynicism and distrust. The perception of a revolving door between Ivy League institutions think tanks, and government bureaucracies can create skepticism among citizens. This skepticism often stems from the belief that decisions are made by an exclusive circle of elitists who have little connection to the everyday concerns of ordinary Americans. The next president should strive to diversify their cabinet appointments to rebuild public confidence and restore faith in the political system. By embracing various backgrounds and experiences, the next president can demonstrate a commitment to inclusivity, representation, and diversity of thought. This approach enhances the administration’s legitimacy and ensures that policies are tailored to meet the needs and aspirations of a broader spectrum of citizens.

In conclusion, the next president must refrain from the conventional practice of exclusively selecting cabinet members from Ivy League institutions, think tanks, and government bureaucracies. By embracing diversity in cabinet appointments, the next president can tap into a broader range of perspectives, foster inclusivity and representation, and address public distrust. Through this fresh approach, the administration can effectively tackle the challenges of our time and create a more inclusive and equitable future for all Americans.


Donald C. Bolduc