
In a previous essay on Americanism, I suggested the time has come for a political party that embraces Americanism, rejecting the extreme policies of both left progressivism and right nationalism and embracing Americanism, which encompasses the principles of individual liberty, equal opportunities, and justice for all.

Throughout American history, politicians, special interest groups, the wealthy political elite, and the media have influenced the political landscape. Unfortunately, their actions have often resulted in the creation of divisions among Americans, exploiting factors such as creed, race, sex, and religion. This essay argues that these divisive tactics have undermined the essence of Americanism by placing the interests of politicians, special interests, the political elite, and the media above the well-being of the people. Consequently, the political system no longer prioritizes the principles enshrined in the preamble of the Constitution, and the greater good of society is sacrificed for personal gain.

The Erosion of the Greater Good

The erosion of Americanism through divisive tactics and the prioritization of personal gain over the greater good has created a political system that fails to put people first. The manipulation of creed, race, sex, and religion has deepened societal divisions, fostering hatred and animosity among Americans. This undermines the principles of unity and inclusivity enshrined in the preamble of the Constitution but also perpetuates a system that favors politicians, special interests, and the wealthy political elite.

To restore the essence of Americanism, it is imperative to reject divisive tactics and prioritize the common good of all Americans. This requires a collective effort to bridge divides, promote inclusivity, and reestablish a political system representing and serving the people’s interests. By recognizing the power of unity and embracing the diversity that defines this nation, we can work toward a society that upholds the principles of equality, justice, and fairness.

The undermining of Americanism through the exploitation of creed, race, sex, and religion has resulted in a political system that no longer prioritizes the people. The actions of politicians, special interest groups, and the wealthy political elite have created divisions and sown the seeds of hatred among Americans. This erodes the ideals of “We the People” and perpetuates a system that privileges personal gain over the common good. To reclaim the true essence of Americanism, it is essential to reject divisiveness, prioritize unity, and work toward a society that places the well-being of all its citizens at the forefront.

The United States of America was founded on equality and justice for all. These principles are enshrined in our founding documents, such as the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, which serve as the backbone of our nation. Creed, race, sex, and religion were explicitly mentioned in these documents to ensure that every American has equal rights under the law. However, over the last 60 years, these very factors have been misused and manipulated to create divisiveness and perpetuate hatred in our society. It is high time that we recognize the need to unite, regardless of creed, race, sex, and religion, to unify and respect each other.

Divisiveness for Political Gain

One of the most significant ways politicians and special interest groups have undermined Americanism is by exploiting societal fault lines for political gain. By manipulating creed, race, sex, and religion, these actors have created a landscape of divisiveness and hatred. Instead of promoting a united society, they have fostered an ‘us vs. them’ mentality, pitting Americans against each other and deepening existing divides. Rather than focusing on the common goals and aspirations that unite people, politicians and special interests have capitalized on identity politics, perpetuating a cycle of hatred and distrust.

Undermining the Preamble’s “We the People”

The preamble of the U.S. Constitution begins with the powerful phrase, “We the People,” which underscores the collective nature of the American republic. However, the actions of politicians, special interests, and the wealthy political elite have eroded this principle. By exploiting divisions, they have created a political system that favors their claims over the needs and desires of the people. This undermines the essence of “We the People,” as it prioritizes the voices and agendas of a select few over the broader population.

Favoring Politicians, Special Interests, the Political Elite, and the Media

In their pursuit of personal gain, politicians, special interest groups, and the political elite have perpetuated a system that caters to their interests. By wielding their power and wealth, they influence policy decisions, legislation, and the allocation of resources. This concentration of power and influence detracts from society’s greater good and perpetuates a cycle of privilege and inequality. The resulting imbalance undermines the democratic principles upon which the nation was founded, allowing a select few to control and shape the political agenda.

As the fourth estate, the media plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion. However, the media landscape has become increasingly polarized, with news outlets catering to specific ideological leanings. This hyper-partisan media environment perpetuates divisions, as it amplifies extreme viewpoints and fosters misinformation. The media’s focus on sensationalism and ratings often overrides their responsibility to provide unbiased and accurate information, further eroding the essence of Americanism.

Creed, a set of beliefs or aims that guide someone’s actions, was included in our founding documents to protect the freedom of religion and ensure that individuals have the right to practice their faith without fear of persecution. The Founding Fathers understood the importance of religious freedom and sought to create a society where people of different religions could coexist peacefully. However, in recent years, creed has been used as a tool to discriminate against and marginalize certain religious groups. Instead of fostering understanding and respect, it has become a source of division and hatred.

Similarly, race, which refers to genetically distinct populations of individuals within the same species, was addressed in our founding documents to ensure that all Americans, regardless of their racial background, are treated equally under the law. The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s fought to dismantle racial segregation and discrimination, and significant progress was made. However, in recent times, race has been exploited to fuel hatred and perpetuate systemic racism. Rather than recognizing the inherent dignity and worth of every individual, regardless of their race, some have used race as a basis for discrimination and prejudice.

Religion, a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things, was included in our founding documents to protect individuals’ freedom to worship and express their religious beliefs. The framers of our Constitution recognized the importance of religious diversity and sought to create a society where people could freely practice their faith. However, religion has often been used as a justification for discrimination and intolerance. Instead of embracing the rich tapestry of different religious traditions, some have used religion to divide and alienate people.

Sex, which refers to the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and most other living things are divided based on their reproductive functions, has been a contentious issue in recent years. While significant progress has been made towards gender equality over the last 60 years, there is still work to be done. Sex has been used as a basis for discrimination and inequality, particularly against women and individuals who do not conform to traditional gender norms. We must recognize the importance of respecting and valuing every individual, regardless of sex or gender identity.

In conclusion, the divisive tactics employed by politicians, special interest groups, the wealthy political elite, and the media have undermined the essence of Americanism. By exploiting factors such as creed, race, sex, and religion, these actors have created a polarized society that prioritizes personal gain over the well-being of the people. The political system no longer prioritizes the principles enshrined in the preamble of the Constitution, as the greater good of society is sacrificed. Americans must recognize these tactics and demand a return to a politics that values unity, equality, and the well-being of all citizens. Only by doing so can the true essence of Americanism be restored, and the nation move forward towards a more inclusive and equitable society.

To move forward as a nation, we must shift our focus from divisiveness and hatred to unity and respect. We must recognize that creed, race, sex, and religion should not be used as tools to divide us but rather as sources of diversity and strength. By embracing our differences and celebrating our shared humanity, we can work towards building a society that upholds the principles of equality and justice for all.

It is time to recommit ourselves to the principles that our nation was founded upon. Let us strive to create a society where every American, regardless of creed, race, sex, or religion, is treated with dignity and respect. Only by coming together and unifying can we overcome the divisions that have been created and work toward a future where equality and justice prevail. Let us recognize that our differences should be celebrated, not used to perpetuate hatred. We can build a more inclusive and harmonious society for all Americans.

Donald C. Bolduc