Real estate is a seductive industry.  I don’t know how many times I’ve heard veterans tell me, “Yeah man, I’m considering getting my real estate license and making some serious money.” They always have a friend of a friend who got out of the military, and has since found wild success flipping houses or working under a major brokerage.

It seems like the perfect job: After years in the military, you’re finally your own boss. You make obscene amounts of money after making decisions that you know are the right ones. You don’t need a college education, just an easy 63-hour course (in Florida) followed by a 100-question exam—a small price to pay for the limitless amounts of cash to come.

It’s true, there are many veterans who have found success as realtors, and it’s certainly not impossible. Most of them will probably tell you that they love it. They will also probably tell you that it wasn’t as easy as they initially thought.

One such success story is Danny Crist, a realtor down in Tampa and a former Army Ranger from 3rd Battalion. He has been working in real estate since 2013 and now operates Liberty Advantage Real Estate, a veteran-centric sales team. But that doesn’t mean it’s always been smooth sailing.

“I’ve never been poorer and I’ve never been richer than when I became an entrepreneur.” Financial stress always seems to bleed over into every other facet of life, and many people leave their real estate aspirations behind in the spirit of stability.

Crist would go on to explain many of the other difficulties in breaking into the real estate market. After all, there must be a reason why most real estate agents don’t keep a license beyond a year or two.

The mandatory state exam can be difficult for some, and can prevent you from getting your license. Still, some find it easy enough, but go on to realize that neither the class nor the test helped prepare them in any way for their prospective career. Add to that the fact that the competition is fierce, since it takes little work to dive right in.

Although entrepreneurship is a romantic idea, it’s also a brutal grind. Sure, veterans intimately know what a brutal grind is like, but now no one is going to give you the tools you need to succeed. There is no graduation, and it never ends. Clients will jump ship just as you thought you were about to close. Crist remarked, “In just a few years I’ve had millions of dollars of real estate transactions dissolve through no fault of my own—commissions that I was really counting on to finally give me some breathing room.”