The Current State of Ukraine’s Battlefront

In the throes of battle, the relentless determination of Ukraine’s ground forces and special ops has been instrumental in neutralizing the Russian ground forces along with the Wagner Group (no longer significantly active in the country), a significant feat in their ongoing struggle against Putin’s Russian invasion.

However, to secure a quick and decisive victory, Ukraine needs air assets.

What’s been recently provided by Biden’s administration, the UK, and the EU is not enough.

Potential Impact of Strategic Air Assets

Strategic and targeted airpower options like A10 Thunderbolt II’s, AC-130 gunships, and fighter jet support can be a game-changer. The A10 alone would substantially change the battlefield dynamic.

These combined air assets would elevate Ukraine’s offensive capabilities, providing them with the edge required to repel Russian forces and declare a much-awaited victory.

The A-10 Thunderbolt II, known fondly as the “Warthog,” is purpose-built for close air support (CAS) operations. This platform is designed to operate in high-threat environments, and it can take considerable punishment while delivering its potent payload. Equipped with a 30mm GAU-8 Avenger Gatling gun, it can unleash devastating firepower against armored targets, making it perfect for dealing with any Russian armored advances.

Role of Fighter Jets and Gunships

The use of A10s can significantly amplify the effectiveness of Ukraine’s existing ground forces. It enables precise air strikes to be carried out in sync with their infantry and armored units, reducing the risk of friendly fire while enhancing operational efficiency.

AC-130 gunships can deliver a broad spectrum of firepower, from precision-guided munitions for pinpoint strikes to area weapons when required. Its capabilities, which include longer loiter times and advanced sensors, make it an ideal choice for providing overwatch and close air support for Ukrainian ground forces, particularly during nighttime operations.

Fighter jet support serves multiple purposes, from maintaining air superiority to supporting ground troops with precision airstrikes. Equipped with an assortment of guided bombs and air-to-air missiles, these jets can keep Russian air and ground assets in check, all while providing another layer of protection for the A10s and AC-130s.

Time for a Tactical Shift

The concern before was not to get too entangled and be seen as the US was in a proxy war with Russia, but that round has left the chamber. The US, UK, and EU are clearly fighting a proxy war against Putin at this point. And as I learned in the Special Ops community, if you are going to do something, do it right.

In synergy, the A10s, C130 gunships, and fighter support can dominate the battlefield in a way that cluster bombs and current Defense Tech cannot. Their precision, power, and ability to work in tandem with ground forces offer a more strategic approach. It is the type of air support Ukraine needs to decisively win the war, allowing them to dictate the terms of the battlefield, break the enemy’s momentum, and push them out.

Conclusion: The Path to Victory

In conclusion, this combination of air power and ground force support is Ukraine’s path to victory. It is high time for a change in strategy towards a more targeted and tactical approach, one that leverages the strengths of air assets. The reality, however, is that without committing the necessary resources – resources that encompass not just weapons systems but also training, logistics, and ongoing support – this war could stretch on indefinitely. As with any conflict, victory is contingent on adequate investment and strategic execution. The path to victory in Ukraine isn’t about escalation but about precision. Until we, the global community, rally behind them with the right kind of support, the fog of war will persist. The urgency of now calls for the shift from a blanket, uncoordinated approach to a precise, coordinated one capable of breaking enemy lines and ensuring Ukraine’s long-term sovereignty.