On March 14, 2024, the Ukrainian Special Forces, utilizing FPV (first person view) drones, conducted a highly effective operation against Russian military assets, according to a report by the Kyiv Post. In an impressive display of precision and tactical acumen, the operation led to the elimination of 13 Russian soldiers and the destruction of several critical military assets, including tanks and a notable “Solntsepyok” heavy flamethrower system, seen below.

The operation, carried out by a unit within the Special Operations Forces (SSO), was highlighted through a video shared on Telegram. The video showcased the unit’s achievement of incapacitating 25 enemy combatants and six pieces of military hardware within a single day.

The action took place under the jurisdiction of the 8th SSO regiment, which, after a successful reconnaissance mission, identified and subsequently engaged the enemy’s equipment and personnel through a series of coordinated drone strikes.

An operator from the regiment shared insights into the intensity of the operation, remarking on the continuous engagement with the enemy and the minimal breaks taken from the control console. The footage released by the SSO depicted the drones’ assaults on Russian forces, capturing moments where the soldiers tried unsuccessfully to counter the drones.


Casualties on the Russian side included 13 killed and another 12 wounded, with significant losses to their military hardware. The operation destroyed two tanks, a TOS-1A “Solntsepyok” heavy flamethrower system, two infantry fighting vehicles, and an armored fighting vehicle. The specific models of the tanks targeted in the strike were not disclosed, though the value of such military equipment is known to run into millions of dollars each, hits that hurt the Kremlin’s pocketbook.

The “Solntsepyok” system, designed to annihilate light armored vehicles, enemy personnel in open areas, and fortified positions through intense explosive reactions, is particularly notorious for its thermobaric munitions. These munitions create a combustible cloud that, upon detonation, leads to a drastic atmospheric pressure drop capable of causing fatal internal injuries. The “Solntsepyok” system ranges between $6.5 million and $15 million.


This operation is part of a broader strategic initiative by the Ukrainian military, which previously included the destruction of a “Solntsepyok” system in southern Ukraine with the aid of an American-made HIMARS rocket launcher. Such operations underscore the continued efforts by Ukrainian forces to diminish Russian military capabilities through targeted strikes, emphasizing the significant role of drone technology in modern warfare.