Wall Street Journal writers Dion Nissenbaum and Siobhan Gorman have apparently been reprimanded and put on temporary leave for a rogue piece of writing in the journal. Their write up attacked Navy SEAL veterans for establishing businesses of their own, and included a US-made tactical gear and watch company.

“Navy SEAL veterans would be better off collecting unemployment for a while. No one, including myself, likes a know-it-all Navy SEAL that starts a successful venture. I don’t care how many Americans it employs, it’s just not fair for them to leverage their past accomplishments in business.

I don’t really care what Milton Friedman says about Free Market economics, it’s an unfair advantage and these guys know it. These veterans should be ashamed of their past service and the last thing they should be doing is making money or writing books.” says Nissenbaum.

Read the full article here.

Apparently the US SOCOM commander, Admiral McRaven, called the WSJ outraged that the paper was not supporting the Special Operations veteran business community. “We have enough trouble these days without you guys throwing gas on the fire with the current media circus”, said McRaven. The head of U.S. Special Operations was also quick to point out that he himself had published a book, titled SPEC OPS. “Learn the secrets of the trade” it says on the back cover.

Robert Thompson, the Editor-in-Chief, was quick to apologize to the head of US Spec Ops and guaranteed swift action in the matter.

“These writers went rogue and were clearly out to grab a headline at all costs. The WSJ apologizes to veterans everywhere and encourages all men and women who served to protect this great country to actively participate in the business community.

We hope these veterans don’t hide what they did in the past, they should be able to put it on their resumes. Rest assured that these hack writers (Nissenbaum and Gorman) will be dealt with accordingly”, promised Thompson when questioned by the US SOCOM Public Affairs Officer.

Sunday satire. It’s a crazy world we live in and perspective is everything. SOFREP out.