Arson and child porn suspect uses stolen underwear to start fires

Michael L. Miller, 43, of North Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, is charged with child pornography possession and arson, police said. Photo from Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office (courtesy of Miami Herald).

Three strikes for Mikey Miller, 43, of North Fond du Lac, WI. His crime triad begins with child pornography. Big strike one there. Most of us are on board with sex crimes against our children being entered in our societal register as “wanton” and “heinous” criminal behavior.

Strike two is arson. Yeah, ouch! Surreptitiously lighting fires and then running away is a pathetic and horrible practice. Arsonists always come back though to watch the fire burn. That’s the whole allure of the act for them — watching the burn. Folks, mostly men, wouldn’t do half of the bad boy things they do if they couldn’t brag about them to their dude friends. An arson has to watch his burn or why light it?

Strike three is tricky. It’s actually not illegal or immoral to light a fire using underwear, ah but stolen underwear… yeah, nooo — “thou shalt not steal,” right? There you go! Got him on that Ten Commandment technicality. That kinda adds a little extra sting to the arson, you know?

When geo gets bored…

“Folks, there has been an arson that was started with skivvies but brace yourselves because those were… STOLEN skivvies!!”

I’m sorry, I’m just trying to understand why the reporter felt it so necessary to include that the fires were lit with stolen drawers. I guess I hate reports is what I’m getting at — really hate them and their bullshit, the empty dramatic bullshit.

Lastly, pardon my ad hominem poke, but I took one look at that brother’s foto and I insist he is being framed, man! Child porn? Arson? Stealing unmentionables? Those things are just so non-sequitur to that face. That is the face of brotherly generosity, of hope and confidence, of dignity and virility! If you are going to try to press that face into a mold with porn and arson you are going to need a 12-pound sledgehammer!

Funny: if you’re looking for Michael L. Miller, you’ll find him ‘au Fond du Lac‘ — ah-ha-ha-ha.

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) installs surveillance cameras inside people residences

Red arrow indicates the camera the CCP installed in this citizen’s apartment.

“I was sad because I had no shoes, and then I saw a man who had no feet.”

Yep, I bitched because my government was putting cameras at intersections to catch me speeding or running a red light, but then a saw a man whose government put a camera in his apartment to catch him… not being there. That pretty much trumps any petty little bitches we Americans have about our “government surveillance” trying to steal our Mee Maw’s Apple Brown Betty recipe, or whatever it is that Americans are at a riot pitch over regarding our shit-ass privacy.

I’m sort of sorry about my snotty attitude about the American privacy crisis. It is — I swear to you — just a thing I have never been able to assemble in my tumultuous mind. What really is all the scare with the American people and the invasion of privacy conspiracy. Does Janet Baranowski think she is going to drive by a huge roadside billboard and see a picture of herself naked:

“Everybody… look at this photo of Janet Baranowski who lives at 341 Ortiz Dr. SE, Albuquerque — doesn’t she have hideous saggy boobs?? Thanks — the government.”

That would scare the hell out of me if I thought that it was going to happen, but it’s not. The government, really? WTF, we ARE the government. Let’s not flatter ourselves; we frankly are in far more danger of those dudes that hack into Zoom meetings and draw penises on the quarterly reports and holler “Cracker-ass Gypsy scum!!”

DOH!! (courtesy of

So that naked-on-a-billboard scare hasn’t happened in the U.S. yet and probably never will. But it looks like it is most of the way to happening in Chiner, where they are installing overt cams indoors in dandy locations to catch some brother with his Howard Johnson on the swing. It occurs to me that all the Orwellian crap that Americans are jonesing over is actually happening in Chiner.

Chiner has eight of its cities in the top 10 highest camera-surveilled cities in the world; only the tenth city, Atlanta, is American. Chiner monitors and tracks every car by GPS tracker and every person by way of their phone. Imagine: the monitoring system can “see” if your car is speeding in any part of the city and automatically issue a traffic citation to your phone. You could get that “ticket” while you are still speeding through the stretch you got the citation for!

Chiner keeps track of Covid-19 by way of a QR Code that every citizen gets and carries in a CCP-issued app on their phones. When they enter the transportation system in the country — bus, train, hotels — they are screened by a team for temperature and other signs of infection. Based on the collected vitals they are issued a red, yellow, or green QR code; red = yikes, yellow = meh, green = good.

Here a green QR code in the phone app means good health and cleared to enter public transportation systems.

Based on geolocation data of their phone the CCP can tell if a person was near or in contact with an individual that has become a confirmed case of Covid-19 and downgrade their health QR code based on that. At condition red, they are denied entry on transportation and forced into quarantine for 14 days with a camera in their room making sure they are there.

Meanwhile in the U.S.

Two TX state militia goobers find an excuse to dress up like G.I. Joes, performing to their motto: “We hide behind no facade”

We continue to be “violated” by our government taking a snapshot of our license plate as we run a red light through a traffic intersection. We’re fed up and we’re not going to take it anymore — march against the machine! The two TX militia “men” in the photo above are pacing in the parking lot of a hair salon owned by a woman who is dismissing the order to quarantine and opened up her hair salon.

This whole bout of misbehaving is somehow being engendered by a feeble notion of the land of the free and the home of the brave. It should instead be viewed as just selfish twat and her two dickless knights in jeans and cobbled kit, who are too good to play by the rules. Let’s all queue up behind these three as they march this country back to greatness… or just get our hair done.

When geo gets bored.

Little Billy in Quarantine

Mom makes sure the birthdays continue to happen even in quarantine. Mom will have to teach her little Billy how to effectively blow out a candle, as Little Billy unleashes a flurry of slurry consisting of 1:3 household bleach and water to decontaminate the cake from potential CV-19 contamination. Little Billy’s carburetor is running a bit rich with regard to its fuel/air mixture…
Little Billy’s home schooling is coming along just swimmingly; I actually dare mom to count this one wrong!
Little Billy busied himself for good cause reinforcing this otherwise crumbling bathroom tile with some industrial adhesive strips that mom will probably want to restock on so that little Billy can finish the rest of the structure.
Loving little Billy thoughtfully made little sister a hat from their Hasbro Pink Slime Pack.
Resourceful little Billy discovered the greatest scouring potential for his potty tray lay in mom’s tooth brush.
Little Billy demonstrated to other little sister how the corona uses its outer spike protein shell to attach to Angiotensin Converting Enzyme two (ACE2) receptors in the human respiratory system.

By Almighty God and with honor,
geo sends