“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!'”
Isaiah 6:8

As a matter of fact, January is the month of such awareness. While it’s a distinct honor to have an entire month dedicated to awareness of the scourge that is trafficking human beings, it does strike me that this singular designation only gives citizens of the U.S. 11 other things to be aware of throughout the year. That’s fine with me: I’ll take the January that God graced the struggle against the human affliction of individuals who would be trafficked, and others who could traffic them.

To do my part to be aware and pass the torch, I’m going to describe a few private sector levels of effort that exist in our country today to assist law enforcement (LE) to stave off the throes of the diabolical act of trafficking.

OPINION: National Human Traffic Awareness Month

1.) Victim Recovery Services.

May the good Lord bless their hearts of gold for their generosity and kindness–but these attributes aren’t fighting human traffic. Dare I say it’s not even a stretch to include that it could be viewed as an act of perpetuity rather than subjugation. Here’s a cogent explanation from a man truly immersed in the fight against trafficking:

“Illegal substances are sold for a one-time price: a-zero sum game. Humans can be sold repeatedly hundreds and even thousands of times: a non-zero-sum game. Rescuing a victim creates ‘shelf space’ for newer and younger product. Trying to combat human trafficking through victim rescue is the equivalent of trying to shoplift Walmart out of business.”

2.) Awareness Spreading Services.