In the modern world, where intellectual debate is an antique, gathering dust in the attic, we embark on a journey through the treacherous landscape of cancel culture and wokeism, where opinions are treated like contraband. Dissent is met with a cacophony of moral indignation.

In the recent circus of congressional hearings, Presidents of esteemed institutions like Harvard, MIT, and the University of Pennsylvania found themselves caught in the sniper’s crosshairs of an unrelenting barrage of scrutiny.

Rightfully so, I should dare say.

The question that loomed over their heads like a dark storm cloud: Can one call for the genocide of Jews on their campuses and get away with it? The answer, my friends, is a twisted tale of evasive answers and a dangerous descent into the abyss of political correctness.

The question was simple, or so it seemed: “Does calling for the genocide of Jews violate your respective school’s code of conduct on bullying or harassment?” A straightforward question, one might think, but in the convoluted world of cancel culture, nothing is ever clear-cut.

None of the university leaders had the audacity to utter a straightforward “yes” or “no.” Instead, they danced around the issue with the grace of seasoned politicians, employing a linguistic ballet that would make George Orwell proud. “It would depend on the circumstances and conduct,” they said, as if the call for genocide could somehow be justified under certain conditions. It’s as if we’ve entered an alternate reality where words are meaningless, and morality is relative.

In the New York Times coverage, the same leaders appeared to evade the very essence of the question:

Should students be disciplined if they call for the genocide of Jews? A question that, in any rational world, should have a resounding and unequivocal “yes” as an answer.

But alas, in the era of cancel culture and wokeism, even the most basic moral principles seem to be up for debate.

You can have free speech and still know the difference between right and wrong. Endorsing the genocide of anyone or anything is clearly wrong. Truth is also different from knowledge, the latter of which can also be wrong. Let that sink in…

So, where does this leave us, SOFREP readers? It leaves us in a world where opinions are muzzled, where the fear of offending someone, somewhere, somehow, has turned us into a society of cowards. It leaves us in a world where universities, once bastions of free thought and intellectual exploration, have become echo chambers of radical conformity. It leaves us in a world where cancel culture reigns supreme, and the art of forming an opinion is on life support.

It’s time to turn pro in the art of critical thinking, of forming opinions, and of daring to question the madness that has gripped our society. It’s time to take a deep breath and plunge headfirst into the maelstrom of critical thinking and fearlessly express what you believe, consequences be damned.

People ask me why I sent my kids to University in the UK. After you watch the tape roll or read about the comments that the leaders of these academic institutions made at the congressional hearing, you’ll arrive at your own conclusions.

In a world where opinions are canceled, being an outlaw of thought might just be the last act of rebellion.