Preaching Socialism/ Living Capitalism

America may be the safest place in the world to preach Socialism to others while prospering under Capitalism. That’s the life of Bernie Sanders, who somehow managed to take our racist, rigged, hopelessly flawed Capitalist system and make it work for him. His net worth is said to be over $2 million. He managed to do that with a salary that is just about three times that of the average income in the U.S.

We should all be ashamed that Bernie can’t do better than that under Capitalism. He and other Democratic Socialists certainly are. It’s so upsetting that Senator Sanders believes that the entire Free-Market Capitalist system must be replaced with a Democratic Socialist system that ensures everyone can do as well as he has as a Capitalist living Socialist. But what is Democratic Socialism? What does it mean?

Looking into its definition is a leap down the rabbit hole. You see Socialism isn’t just one thing to its adherents. None of them agree on what Socialism means so you have to break it down to its most basic objective. The Democratic Socialists of America on their website say that Democratic Socialism means this:

“Democratic socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few. To achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and social democracy so that ordinary Americans can participate in the many decisions that affect our lives.”

This is not to be confused with Market Socialism, Libertarian Socialism, Reformist Socialism, Ethical Socialism, Revolutionary Socialism, Liberal Socialism, Nationalist Socialism, Communist Socialism, Utopian Socialism, Social Democracy, State Socialism and Socialism That Lies About How Much Better Everything Is Under Socialism (I made up that last one). Do you see the problem? Socialism is whatever you want it to be. There is a Socialism for everyone out there; just pick your flavor.

No sense of irony? Democratic Socialists denounce Fossil Fuels with signs made from fossil fuels.

But let’s just consider the definition above. The Democratic Socialists of America say that both the economy and society should be run democratically, but inform you in advance that democracy must satisfy public needs instead of private profit. Democracy doesn’t work like that. The ruling class doesn’t decide on what it wants and then not give you any choice but to vote for it. It’s like having a democratic family vote on what kind of Ford pickup you should buy.

Weaponized Greed