Peeled Princess Protests Perched on Police Paddywagon

First of all, anywhere there are naked women you’ve got trouble. This little jewel was mad that she got pinched by the police for violating CV-19 safety measures. But being that she is better than everyone else she recognized that the laws do not apply to her.

She is probably one of those people that drive around on the shoulders of the road in a traffic jam because she and her life are so much more important than the rest of us and our pathetic lives. It’s not that she would be in fear of being late ever because she never gives a damn if she is late — her destinations are just ever so blessed to have her anytime she can get there.

It struck me as odd when I read that this took place in Spain with a Spanish woman — I thought only Americans are ever quite that vain. For her recalcitrant ranting, the judge ordered her to have her name legally changed to:

“No eres la puta quien subió desnuda sobre el auto de policia?”

93-year-old woman saved by Coors Lite

When the CDC advised Americans to “stock up on canned goods,” that’s exactly what Ms. Olive Veronesi did. She posted a plea to the outside world for a resupply, when her supply dropped below a 12-pack of Coors lite. Local Samaritans sprang into actions and raced a shipment of ten more cases of beer — enough to last her another week.