It’s hard to believe that we’re already in September, but as a I reflect on 2018 thus far, we’ve had some incredible guests on this podcast. When it comes to Army special operations guys, we’ve had a wide array. So, on this episode I spotlight several of them from previous episodes in 2018.

We start off with Nate Boyer. Nate’s name is heavily back in the news with the recent signing of Colin Kaepernick to Nike. We revisit Nate’s open letter to Colin followed by an in-person meeting, which led to the now infamous kneeling during the National Anthem. Next is Todd Opalski who reflected on serving in both Marine Force Reconnaissance and Army Special Forces. That is followed by Special Missions Unit operator Rob Trivino, who discusses his experiences that led him to joining the Army and his time as an Army Ranger. Next is an excerpt from Delta Force operator Pat McNamara‘s first appearance on the show, with a great HALO jump story. We wrap up this special episode with our very own George Hand, another former Delta operator, getting into his origin story with us. Let me know how you liked this episode on Twitter or Instagram @SOFREPRadio or by email at [email protected], and maybe the next special will feature Navy SEALs.