Mike Crosby served as a Navy Commander, but his current fight is to make veterans aware of prostate cancer. As a prostate cancer survivor, he saw some of the issues with the VA not taking the necessary steps in preventing this killer, which is currently the #1 diagnosed cancer in the VA healthcare system. Veterans are in the high risk category for prostate cancer, and between screening, early detection, and alternatives to traditional surgery, there are a lot of components to fighting it. Mike discusses with us the Veterans Choice Program and why it is something that veterans should absolutely be taking advantage of and enrolling in now. Mike is the founder and current CEO of Veterans Prostate Cancer Awareness.  Check out their website to learn more.

Also on this episode we answer a listener email sent to [email protected] regarding Indian special operations, and cover some of the latest news on NEWSREP including an update on Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 — the flight hit by a missile. This is not to be confused with the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 that took place four months prior. Jack also talks about a fake social media account that went by “Bagram Babe” on Twitter being exposed as not living in Bagram at all. Hear the full story on this episode.