After spending 25 years in the Army with over 17 years as a Sergeant Major, Jason Beighley has quite a decorated career in the military.  We are fortunate enough to spend some time talking with him about a myriad of topics including how basic training has fallen by the wasteside, how the length of this current war has led to cultural problems, working in special operations as a profession, dispelling the notion that special forces are renegades, the challenges of transitioning out of the military and leaving “the guys” behind, and superiors treating their subordinates as equals and the effect that has within the ranks.

Jack and Dennis open the show by discussing the ongoing Eddie Gallagher trial with the testimony from Corey Scott claiming he killed the ISIS member that Gallagher stands trial for murdering.  The guys also talk about how the lack of accountability can promote some unusual behavior amongst military members.  Be sure to leave us a review on Apple Podcast, let us know what you think of the show and purchase Jack’s book “Murphy’s Law” where you can find wherever books are sold.