On this week’s podcast SOFREP senior editor and SOFREP Radio host Steve Balestrieri talks with Spencer Coursen author of the Safety Trap and professional security expert.

The two discuss personal security and safety and how we can achieve them in our everyday lives. After all, an informed society is a safe society.

Spencer highlights the important difference between safety and security and how a wrong perception of the former may lead to a compromise of the latter. He points out that probably the most dangerous time during a security event is not at its beginning but at its end. This is because as an event unfolds the window of opportunity to escape gets smaller while the confidence of the attacker increases.

Further, Spencer explains how regardless of circumstances, the number-one factor of target selection by a perpetrator is the likelihood of success. Perpetrators will go after the weakest. Therefore, the more you’re promoting your protective posture the least likely you’ll be made a target.

The pair talks about the five Ds of home security: Deter, Detect, Deny, Delay, Defend

Importantly, Spencer explains why “sheltering in place” and “run-hide-fight” approaches in many cases don’t make sense.

Nevertheless, his message isn’t that we should live in constant fear, but that we should be vigilant and aware.

SOFREP recently reviewed The Safety Trap and highly recommends it to our audience. You can purchase the book here or at your favorite bookstore.

Tune in to a very informative and eye-opening episode of SOFREP Radio.