The training pipeline for a JTAC is as follows (it may vary slightly for a cross-over from another career field, though this is unlikely and will not be by much):

  • TACP Initial Skills Course – 14 weeks, Hurlburt Field, Florida
  • Combat Survival Course – 3 weeks, Fairchild AFB, Washington
  • Basic Parachutist Course (depends on mission requirements, not all JTACs will atten) – 3 weeks, Fort Benning, Georgia
  • Special Tactics Advanced Skills Course – 11-12 weeks, Hurlburt Field, Florida

Before pursuing your goal of becoming a JTAC, check the AFSOC JTAC page.

Read about the Air Force TACP AFSC on the Air Force Career Page

Joint Terminal Attack Controllers on

Also check the TACP Association.